Nezam Ameri, The Only Iranian Student of Frank Lloyd Wright, dies at 90

نظام عامری، تنها دانشجوی ایرانی فرانک لوید رایت، درگذشت

زادروز: آبان ۱۳۰۵، تهران
تحصیلات: دانش‌آموخته معماری دانشگاه کنت در ایالت اوهایو آمریکا
دارای دو سال سابقه تحصیل در مدرسه معماری فرانک لوید رایت (تالیسین)
درگذشت: ۱۲ تیر ۱۳۹۵


سوابق حرفه‌ای: تاسیس گروه مهندسین مشاور «نظام عامری ـ کمونه ـ خسروی» (همکار بنیاد رایت در ایران)، با همکاری کمال کمونه و هرمزدیار خسروی، در سال ۱۳۴۲


آثار شاخص:
ـ قصر شمس پهلوی در مهرشهر کرج (با همکاری بنیاد رایت)
ـ کالج دخترانه دماوند (دانشگاه پیام نور کنونی) (با همکاری بنیاد رایت)
ـ ساختمان دفینه (موزه پول)
ـ بیمارستان پارس تهران
ـ بیمارستان سینا تهران
ـ سینما کاپری (بهمن) تهران
ـ خانه دکتر سیاوش شقاقی در تپه‌های امانیه
ـ پاساژ گلشن تهران
ـ آتلیه هنر چلسی در انگلستان

8 thoughts on “Nezam Ameri, The Only Iranian Student of Frank Lloyd Wright, dies at 90”

    1. Hello Pamela
      It would be wonderful to be in touch. are you evrr in London or Oregon? Saladin and his two sons live in Ashland and I go ovrr there from time to time. Ehere are you.
      Do get in touch
      much love

      1. My heavens, Shenda. I just saw your message today. We live
        In the soutwestern part of Wisconsin in a small town,Cuba City,Wisconsin . Do you mean Ashland, Wisconsin? Pam Peeke Malik.

      2. Hello miss Amery, can I massage you or do you have any page , email, or phone number,, I have some questions about Mr amery

  1. Nezam whom I was married to for 55 years was a gentle spirit who only knew how to be kind. I adored him . He was what we all try to be ‘Human beings full of love. ‘ He helped everybody he came in contact with. but sadly
    a few took advantage of his love. I was very lucky to spend my life with such a beautiful Persian man.

  2. Out family is ever grateful for a beautiful house Mr. Ameri built for us in Tehran. I grew up in that house and unfortunately I have to only live with the its beautiful memories.
    May his soul rest in peace.


  3. Did he ever build the house that Frank Lloyd Wright designed for him? I would like to see photos and drawings of his work. Are there any sources you can point me to? Thank you.

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